{-welcome ramadhan-}
time pass by so fast..now the holy month of ramadhan has come..i just came back from Hilton hotel..in Rabat of course..because there was an ocassion regarding malaysian's independence day..(lambat sikit celebrate coz ade byk hal..)..so students need to wear the national clothes..(baju kurung and baju melayu..siap dgn smpin..)..so on the way back..we took the taxi..chip asked the taxi driver how's ramadhan in morocco..
then he answered "mumtaz..mumtaz jiddan.."
chip.."erk..jarang nak dengar orang morocco puji negara diorg"~kata chip dlm ati..(ni dia yg ckp kat kiteorg td time dia story telling)
taxi driver: mumtaz..ramadan fil maghrib mumtaz..an-nisa biduni hijab..mumtaz.."(translation: marvellous..ramadhan in morocco is marvellous..women without scarf..marvellous..)~chip cite..mamat ni siap angkat ibu jari nak tunjuk betapa hebatnye..rupe2nye dia perli..huhu..
about traffic in morocco..jgnla cube nak bayang..they are crazy drivers!!..drive with the speed limits..jalanraya dah macam litar sepang..ingat org malaysia je suka merempit..rupa2nye org morocco pon same..but two things i respect about morocco..car accident are rarely happen here..(jarang sangat2..klu accident sekali tu mmg konferm teruk la..)..and one more thing is..traffic jam also rarely happen..(mmgla..diorg ni..ikut hati diorg..klu diorg rase tu jln diorg..jgnla simpan hasrat nak over take ke hape..alamat bengkok la kereta encik..dia peduli ape..)..one way pon bole jadi two ways..tp diorg ni mmg cekap la..bukan ape..kan diorg bwk kete mcm nak retak tar jalan tuh..tapi klu ade org lintas ke..ape2 ke kat dpn diorg tu..diorg sempat break..klu org msia..melatah dulu baru break..huhu..
so to all muslims..Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan..!!
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