this is a picture of Mohamedia's beach..really beautiful..the water is cristal clear..erm..totally out of idea today..still in Mohamedia..(yerla..tempat penginapan free..tu yg xnak balik2 tu..huhu..)..just of my friend,request for a mushroom soup..(nak yg mcm kat pizzahut tu..)..all this time i only use the instant "knorr mushroom soup"..(actually x pernah buat pon..dulu time kat msia ade mushroom soup in cans brand add up some water..then here..i never try to do it..because chip or fie love to cook mushroom soup..) intead of cooking them,i'll just wait them(fie or chip) cook it..hehe..(hampeh tol..)then today..all of this have changed only because of one's wish..(amboi..) my journey starts..(saje kasi havoc sikit..)..i went to the nearest grocery shop..but unfortunately,didn't find the instant "knorr mushroom soup"..(alamak..abis la aku..)..then suddenly i felt like my brain getting bigger..because there was an idea tries to appear..(mak mmg poyo betol ni..)..i just bought a can of mushrooms from the shop..the time is ticking..only 2 hours left..(takkan nak gi marjane..-marjane is like a Tesco or Giant in Malaysia-nak gi sane je kene byr tambang about rm17 pergi balik) so..i just cincai,create my own recipe..(fuh..nasib baik jadi..) after isyak, he came and pick up his wish..we exchange it with a kg of pears..(mule2 takut jugak..tapi biar je la..sape suruh order kat org yg x reti masak..hehe)..then he send me a sms saying that "u should teach me how to cook this"..maknanye tu..sedap la kan??yay..!.so maybe the next entry i'll show u guys how to prepare one..without using an instant recipe..eceh..mcm terer je..but if x sedap..sorry more thing..the real tojin x jumpe lagi la..sebab tak kuar jalan2..nnt kalau dah jumpe..i'll put it in my next,next entry..huahuahua..
sorry for the late update..because last Thursday..there was a tahlil held at the ikhwan's house(ikhwan tu bukan nama org tau..maknanye=budak2 laki) because one of them have lost his sister forever..inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajiun..his sister was hit and run by a car on her way to work..(yg lg kesian..akak dia tu nak tunang this sunday..) a muslim..marilah kite same2 doa agar rohnye digolong dalam golongan org2 yg
so the next friday..normally moroccans will sit together with all of their family members and eat a family will have a nice conversation with their families..the moroccans believed that every friday is like a "hari raye" to'm gonna show you guys what is is is made from flour n wheat(gandum)..preparing the cous-cous is quite hard..need lots of patient..
the ingredients:
1) 2-radish 2) 3-carrots (cut into half..then another half..that means one carrot=4 piece) 3) 3- tomatoes(peel one of the tomato's skin..others cut into half) 4) potatoes( i exchange this with the weird vege which i don't even know the name of it till today..but i called it "the cucumber's brother" since it look like it) 5) cabage...(just half of need to cut) 6) a tablespoon of ginger powder 7) a tablespoon of tumeric powder 8) a tablespoon of blackpaper 9) a teaspoon of salt(depends...) 10) whole chicken(for 10 person-cut it into 4 pieces) 11) 500g cous-cous 12) 500ml-water 13) onion
this is the cucumber's brother..I've asked my senior but they also not sure what it is..but they do say it is similar to first we thought this was "petola" x pahit pon..hurm..(fikir sambil garu dagu) the methods:
1) put some oil(about 8 tablespoons) in the periuk..the moroccan use this to cook cous-cous..but this is just the same as the "pengukus"-steamer
2) then..can put the chicken with the spices(garlic powder,tumeric powder,blackpaper,salt) 3) about 5 min later,add up abut 500ml of water 4) put the peeled tomato with all the vegetables.. 5) now came the cous-cous part..add up about 2 tablespoons of oil and stir the cous-cous using this..then put it on the steamer..
6) about 15 mins later..again do the same thing to the cous-cous but by adding 5 tablespoons of water and a tablespoon of oil..before putting the cous-cous on the steamer(periuk yg bawah dia tu) need to add a tomato paste(which from the tomato..not from the kite buat teknik sagat)..this is for the soup-kuah7)then..about 5 mins later..again stir the cous-cous but without oil..only water..5tablespoons ..then..leave it until all the vegetable is soft..don't stir the soup because the vegetable and chicken will's ready to serve..(susahkan..)..but when you come to must try the's a traditional food..this one we eat with a soup..there is another food..which they called "saikuk"..cous-cous with sour milk(laban)..
today..woke up at 10 a.m..(erk..dah bgn subuh k..lps cerah br tdo blk)..then take a bath..then kak ain called..have a chat with my mom..(lama kene bebel..45 min)..sometimes..i'm tired of hearing my mom "bebel-bebel"..but sometimes..i felt like something is missing if i don't hear my mother's\ "bebel" least twice a week..(yup..she loves to bebel..)..either in YM or on the sister will play an important roll..that is the "fire-stone"(that is what she do best)..i hope that adam don't follow her mother's step..(ish..klu x..mati la makcik dia yg baik lg best ni..hehe)..then have my breakfast..with mutiah and the rest..mutiah cooked nasi lemak..waa..makan sedap..hehe..then in the evening go to Jutiyah..a place in is just like a market..i just wanted to find a CD..that's all for today..then at 4 a.m tomorrow i will go to the casablanca airport to send Mutiah..she is flying to Malaysia..everybody's parent wanted their children to spend the holiday in malaysia..but my mom said.."NO"...that one word really broke my heart.. :-((
eceh...vacation kunun..hehe..actually after sending fie,kak aina,kak iman,kak su, n ustaz jerry at the airport..i headed to of the famous city in morocco..just have a look around..first..have a "break-lunch"(dah bukan breakfast sebab kul 12 and nak dekat lunch-time)..then..perfom the zohor prayer at one of the masjid in souk qadim(pasar budaya or we can say pasar lama)..every cities in morocco will have their own souk qadim in the city-center...they'll sell their workmanship.. morocco is famous for their leather leather bags,shoes and lots more..then they have this jubah which they called "jelabah"..jelabah is their traditional clothes for women..(for men..i'm not sure..maybe they called jelabah also..huhu) price of a jelabah is based on the material used and the "kerawang"(hehe..xtau nak pggl ape) on the jelabah..for an example this one.. this jelabah is about RM170..(tapi klu pandai buat muke kesian..dpt la rm150)..then they have "kaftan"..which is more expensive than jelabah..and "taksyitah"..normally taksyitah is worn on weddings or special ocassions..a taksyitah is cost about RM300..(mahal kan)..but very beautiful..the more beeds on the taksyitah..the higher the price is..then we have "tojin"..the moroccans used tojin to cook their meal..this is one of the example.. but this is only for decor..the real one,insyaAllah i will show it on my next entry..they usually take at least 2 hours to cook one meal..accept for salad..they only take about 10mins..(lama tau diorg ni masak..dahla style bile tetamu dah start nak mmg perut dah nanyi lgu rap br siap makanan..)..and they don't stir during cooking because they said that the meal will mashed..after window-shopping at souk qadim, i am so take a bus and stop at Mohamedia(another city in Morocco) first,i planned to go to Mohamedia after Asar..because i wanted to visit the Hassan Thani mosque and perform the asar prayer there..but i am so exausted..can't barely walk anymore..yerla..woke up at 2 a.m then pack my stuff and away to Casablanca Airport..actually it is normal for me to wake up at 2 a.m but today was so tired because the day before we have an event held at Kenitra..Hassan Thani mosque is the third biggest mosque in the world after the masjidilharam in Mekkah and masjid an-nabawi in Madinah..i wish i can go there before i return to Rabat..the journey from Rabat to Mohamedia is about 45mins by train and from Rabat to Kenitra is about 30 mins..and from Rabat to Casablanca is about "vacation" to be continued..InsyaAllah..
yay..!the islam hadhari seminar is a success..well done to all of us because manage to behave..(wink..wink..)..nasib baik xde yg nak tentang2 even deep in their hearts was screaming loudly..fuh..thanx to rafie coz pay a visit..Dato Mashitah was not to bad..actually if we look at the bright side..she is actually being her be..oo..before i forgot..erm..if there are english errors in my blog..i'm very sorry..i actually trying to improve to share today..
hurm..i don't know is it true or not..but after have a good look at the calender, it's true that today is the first day of rejab..yay..!so..erm..the question is..what did i do today?as usual..after woke up from sleep at 3 a.m..then perform my subuh prayers..then watch a movie or searching what's new at youtube,then start to feel sleepy..then read some books..(right now i'm reading "Biar Betul-Betul by HM Tuah..)then fall asleep..then take a bath..fie,chip and suaidah were out today because they have something else to do..chip and suaidah are accompanying a couple which i've told yesterday came from Egypt..showing them the town and so on..and me just sit at home and doing what i do best that is..surfing the internet and checking out new stuff..i don't know why..suddenly i felt like..i love to stay home rather than going out..nothing to do with the weather(since it's summer) or anything just feeling comfortable and safe when I'm at home..fie..i don't know where she went to but i do know that she is buying something for Dato'Dr.Mashitah Ibrahim..she is coming to Morocco to do a seminar regarding "Islam Hadhari"..(alaa...malas la nak pegi..)..i don't know why..after i came to morocco..i start to hate going to events..because no 1) i need to think what to wear(this is a huge one because we have the protocol thing..and what so ever) 2) it's just wait till the thing ends..and no 3)i will eat more than the quantity of food that i usually take(whaaatt..i can't help it because we can't afford the food that been served during the this is a "golden" opportunity..hehe).. oo..this just came across my matter how she or he is..think about what she and he tries to bring..understand??(jgn kesah..siapa dia..dan bagaimana ape yg cube dia smpikan..)so ok..need to be ready for my buka's the first rejab..
here is a "teka-teki" of the day..what is the laziest animal in the jungle??i will share the answer tomorrow..insyaAllah..
assalamualaikum..ish3..dah lama teman x merapu kat sini..x busy pon..cume malas nak meng"update" je..just now..ade org msia dr mesir came to our house..just to check are we survive or not..hehe..dilla helps to prepare cekodok labu which was so delicious..aishah prepared the drinks..and me..wash the dishes which i used..(pemalas tol..hehe)..then i check on my blog..yay..!new skin..!nothing impressive..just last week there was a muktamar(mesyuarat agung). A meeting for all Malaysian student..more like the "election"..the muktamar starts at 9 a.m and end at 6p.m..(long period back all hurt that day..)..after the muktamar..i quickly rushed home..really miss my house because the day before i slept at kak pah's house..she works at the embassy..our relation with the embassy is quite close..they are like our 2nd family here in morocco..then one of my house-mate suddenly made a decision to go back to malaysia for the summer and her flight will be on 23 of July..(alaa..sedihnye) this raya only left the ten of us girls and few boys(student Malaysia jugak) because most of them go back to malaysia..suddenly i also feel like wanted to go back..!!(nasib baik duit x cukup..klu x..dah blk dah..!)
hehe..another boring day..actually it's not that bad..but i make it usuall..wake up early for subuh prayer..since it's summer so subuh is about!can you believe i understand why our prophet mohammad told us to my case..people keep on asking me why i chose morocco instead of malaysia for futher studies?because as we know that to take islamic studies..malaysia is not that bad..we have our International Islamic University,KUSZA,KUIS and many first it's hard for me to explain..then after a year in morocco..i've learnt many things and one of them is to cherish the person you love but u don't notice you were with them..for an example like family..(i'm a family-type of girl)..always far from my family but always put them in my heart and mind..but after i came here..the love grows more and more..and i miss them day and night..and's true when some says that don't trust your friend too much..choose a good friend..but to me..if you are a good will find a good friend..and a good partner as well..of course sometimes there are good person but met with a bad one..but if u look at the bright is actually a test for make you think wisely and carefully..every single thing that happened in life..there are "objectives" behind them..for us to think and thank..and to my schoolmates..thank you so much..i will love you guys always..lillahitaala..and to my family..and future ones..(aecheh..mcm ade je..hehe)..Allahu yubarik fikum..insyaAllah..